Georgy Lobushkin, the former press secretary of Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, claimed that Irina Bulgary spent $18 million from Durov's bank account on luxury brands and jewelry. According to Lobushkin, in 2019, Durov transferred $7 million to Bulgary's account to support their three children. The payment was divided into two parts: $5 million as a "gift" and $2 million as "child support." Bulgary later claimed that it was her "personal savings." She had access to Durov's bank account after he transferred millions to her.
In his statement, Lobushkin mentioned that Bulgary's application for sole custody and subsequent request for alimony coincided with her memories of violence. He wrote, "At that moment, Irina's maternal heart started beating especially fast. Her memories of violence also resurfaced when she filed for sole custody and later applied for alimony."
Bulgary responded by stating that there was no alimony agreement and that she had a notarized agreement that provided access to accounts with a monthly limit of €150,000.
Previously, Bulgary had promised to disclose all evidence of her relationship with Telegram's founder.