Necklaces have always been a beloved jewelry accessory among royal families, from the Windsors to the Glücksburgs. We invite you to try and guess which famous royal wore each presented necklace (and we even give helpful hints!).
1. This extravagant 1830 pink topaz brooch has been used as a clasp on a five-strand pearl necklace since 2008.
2. This royal attended the film premiere of "Meet Joe Black" in 2005, wearing a trendy faux pearl necklace.
3. This exquisite emerald and diamond necklace, created in 1911, was gifted to Queen Maria Maharani Patiala during the Delhi Durbar. It has since been restored in an Art Deco style by Garrard.
4. It is believed that this pearl necklace, given as an engagement gift, features an aquamarine clasp surrounded by smaller sapphires. Darker blue stones are inserted into the pearl strands as dividers.
5. This stunning vintage choker made a memorable appearance at the Cipriani Deutsche Bank charity concert in 2006 in New York.
6. King Willem III commissioned this striking necklace from a French jeweler as a gift for Queen Emma on their 30th anniversary in 1888. It is part of the Mellerio ruby set, which also includes a tiara, earrings, bracelet, necklace, brooch, and fan.
7. As a wedding gift from the Queen, this royal received a sapphire surrounded by a double row of diamonds. However, she had it remodeled into a clasp for a seven-strand pearl necklace.
8. In 1850, King Oscar I of Sweden and Norway gifted this diamond bracelet with flowers to his new bride, Princess Louise of the Netherlands. Two generations later, this royal transformed the piece into a necklace by attaching it to a black ribbon.
9. This diamond and sapphire brooch, resembling the one Prince Albert gave to Queen Victoria on their wedding day, has been in this royal family's possession for many years. She often wears it with a pearl necklace that once belonged to Empress Maria Feodorovna.
10. This choker was created by Garrard in the 1970s using pearls gifted by the Japanese government. Its distinctive design feature is a dazzling diamond clasp located at the center of the four pearl strands.